This new edition of Ian Falloon’s classic book on the history of BMW Motorcycles brings the story right up to date, and now includes all models from 1923 right through to 2019.Over the past 80 years, BMW motorcycles have provided a unique alternative to those of other manufacturers. Some motorcycles may have been faster, certainly others were cheaper, but with their emphasis on quality and reliability, none have emulated the practicality of a BMW. With its commitment to ease of serviceability, the BMW motorcycle has become the preferred choice for hundreds of thousands of motorcyclists around the world. BMW motorcycles are made to be ridden, and if the journey includes a mixture of straight roads and bends, there is no better motorcycle. Factor in the best range of factory luggage and accessories available, and the success of BMW motorcycles isn’t surprising. Ownership of a BMW is also generally a long-term affair, a refreshing change from the current trend towards almost instant obsolescence.Falloon is a prolific author and one of the world’s foremost motorcycle historians with years of experience. His other BMW books include BMW Boxer Twin Bible, BMW R90S, and the Complete Book of BMW Motorcycles. The BMW Motorcycle Story – second edition by Ian Falloon ISBN: 9781787113589UPC: 6-36847-01358-5 AVAILABLE NOW! $60.00 (US), $78.00 (CAN)
BMW motorcycles from 1923to the 2019 model year• How BMW rose from the ashes of World War II to survive and prosper• Covers BMW’s strong history of competition and world speed record attempts• A look at the innovative technical solutions that have been pioneered by BMW• The creation of BMW’s first Superbike during the 1970s: the R90S• The 1980 R80 G/S established a niche dual purpose market• BMW’s most recent exploits, including extreme high performance with the S1000RR• Today BMW now produces its widest range ever.
Ian Falloon was born in New Zealand in 1952 and studied engineering and music at Victoria University, Wellington. His first book, The Ducati Story, has run to several editions and has been published in three languages. Ian’s BMW Story is regarded as the definitive work and is now in its 3rd edition. Ian Falloon lives in Australia, and is ably supported in his projects by his wife Miriam and sons Ben and Tim. Place of birth: Feilding, New Zealand • Hometown: Kew • Nearest city: Melbourne
V5358 • Hardback • 10.62 x 8.26 in • 304 pages • 276 pictures • ISBN: 978-1-787113-58-9 • UPC: 6-36847-01358-5
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