The 4 Hours of Estoril, the season finale of the 2014 European Le Mans Series, produced a race win for the Nissan-powere

On and off-road cars, trucks, motorcycles, and ATVs
By Tyler Hopper
By Tyler Hopper
By Tyler Hopper
Chemtura to increase ADPA production to meet demand in automotive industry
Automotive Business Review The move has been made to increase the production of liquid antioxidants ADPA to meet anticipated shortage in antioxidants in the automotive petroleum additive industry. The company is planning to increase the production at the Elmira, Ontario, Canada … Chemtura to boost alkylated diphenyl amine production capabilitiesChemicals Technology |
By Tyler Hopper
By Tyler Hopper
By Tyler Hopper
MIP Graduate Uses MBA To Drive Mexico’s Automotive Industry
BusinessBecause Choosing MIP Politecnico di Milano as her only option, she successfully completed her MBA in 2012 and returned to Mexico to start working for Sensata Technologies, taking her first steps into the automotive industry. Sandra spoke to BusinessBecause … |
By Tyler Hopper
By Tyler Hopper
By Tyler Hopper
By Tyler Hopper